
When Invoice Ellis of UK crane leaseal agency Ellis Crane lease arrived on the Liebherr stand at Bauma for the official hand over of A mannequin new 40 tonne LTM 1040-2.1All Terrain crane due for supply subsequent yr, it took Little or no encouragement for him to convey out his banjo. He says he was requested To curlease a mini live performance/banjo solo beneath The two,500 tonne hook block on the stand.
Ellis, who Shall be 80 subsequent Wednesday, suggested he was obliged to play. Pretty truthfully it Does not take An extreme quantity of To impact him, curlease a mere modicum of curiosity and He’ll whip out his banjo And start having fun with.
Which Is strictly what he did final week.

Invoice Ellis entertains at Bauma

Ellis performs with An space banjo and ukulele band Inside the Gloucester area and suggested we e-book them to play On the night celebration at Vertikal Days subsequent yr. We said sure Really – In any case how might we refuse?

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiOGh0dHBzOi8vdmVydGlrYWwubmV0L2VuL25ld3Mvc3RvcnkvNDA2NzgvYmFuam8tY3JhbmUtbWFu0gEA?oc=5