
Potain has appointed Falcon tower cranes as its UK distributor for self-erecting tower tower cranes.

The appointment was conagencyed at bauma yesterday. The current distributor, Ladybird Crane Lease will proceed to supply current Potain merchandise all by way of a transition interval working to The prime of the yr.

The appointment follows the appointment of Julian Dyer as gross sales supervisor earlier this yr, following a six yr stint with HTC Wolffkran. He Shall be supported by David Johns who has been promoted to nationwide gross sales supervisor after virtually 5 yrs with The agency.

David Johns (L) and Julian Dyer of Falcon manning the Manitowoc /Potain stand at Bauma this week

We’ll replace this merchandise with further particulars of the appointment later this week.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiRmh0dHBzOi8vdmVydGlrYWwubmV0L2VuL25ld3Mvc3RvcnkvNDA2MzUvbmV3LXBvdGFpbi1kaXN0cmlidXRvci1mb3ItdWvSAQA?oc=5